Hi there! Thanks for dropping by! I’m Sophie Jorissen, the 23 year old girl behind radish to wear. Although I’m currently still in school getting my Masters degree in Communication Science I started out this blog to share my personal eye on fashion, food and lifestyle. On here I share weekly tips and inspirations, to inspire like-minded girls and guys all over the planet.
Every photo on this website is either made by me or a photographer hired for radishtowear.com. You can always use my pictures for non-commercial purposes if you properly link back to www.radishtowear.com. If you want to use them for commercial purpose you do need to have my consent. Just drop me an e-mail, so we can talk about it.
If you’re looking to collaborate or sponsorships I’m open to any kind as long as it fits with my personal style and the content of the blog, don’t hesitate to e-mail me so we can discuss the possibilities.
For now, I hope you enjoy your visit to my website. Much love! ♥
Born in Amsterdam. Ready to meet the World.
Ask me anything! Questions, tips, comments, press releases, products, online give aways etc.
Drop me an email: [email protected]